> I've read the docs at
> http://perl.apache.org/docs/general/perl_reference/perl_reference.html#Excep
> tion_Handling_for_mod_perl and still have some questions.
> Under "Other implementations", Error.pm is listed as a best option. I have
> test code that I run on the command line which Does the Right Thing, but
> when I run it under mod_perl, the 'throw' handler in Error does a die(),
> which mod_perl sees as a 500 error and logs it BEFORE I get back to my catch
> handler to Do the Right Thing.

  You have to say "use Error qw(:try);" instead of just "use Error;",
or the try blocks will simply do nothing exception-wise. This has
bitten me more than once :)

Dominique QUATRAVAUX                           Ingénieur senior
01 44 42 00 08                                 IDEALX

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