Hi there,

On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, Garth Webb wrote:

> (Ged, Sorry for the off-list response)

Apology accepted. :)  Actually for some reason it found its way to
my backup mail exchanger so it sat there a while unnoticed.

But this thread's not OT at all.  Quite the reverse, it addresses an
important issue which we all face from time to time.

I don't think I can add much to what Perrin has said.  If you're up
against it because you've walked into a heap of Perl scripts that
grew like Topsy, you probably don't want to spend the time and take
the risk of making wholesale changes, especially if the thing is
doing pretty much what it needs to do.  But I'd echo Perrin's call
for a bit of design thinking if you're taking it to the next stage
of its lifecycle.  There's a lot of experience hiding around here
somewhere, and nothing provokes a longer thread than a thorny issue.
Not that I need a lot more mail... :)

> It seems to me that most people these days are using toolkits

There are probably good reasons for that.  I think Perrin is the one
who's done most on comparing and contrasting them, but if you want to
make a contribution you could do worse than take a few of them out for
a spin and let us know what you find.  By all means ask what other
people think about them for your situation first.


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