Hi there,

On Fri, 12 Mar 2004, Stelian Iancu wrote:

> I am trying to setup mod_perl on my server. I have apache 1.3.29 and
> mod_perl 1.27-r4 (on a Gentoo box).
> Here is the relevant section of commonapache.conf:

Er, section of what?!  We normally call it httpd.conf - is this
something that's done in the Gentoo distro to, er, help?

> [snip]
> I've made an example script named test.pl and I've put it
> in /var/www/localhost/perl. I have made it executable. However, when I
> try to execute it, I get the following:
> Forbidden
>  You don't have permission to access /perl/test.pl on this server.
> and in apache error log:
> [Fri Mar 12 23:09:01 2004] [error] [client] client denied by
> server configuration: /var/www/localhost/perl/test.pl
> Can you please tell me what am I missing here?
> [snip]

You don't seem to have given everything the right permissions for the
Apache process.  Check the directory permissions above it as well as
the file test.pl itself.  I'm guessing that your Apache will run as user
'nobody' or something like that, so user nobody will need permission to
get at the file.  That can be through the group or the user but NOT by
setting world permissions unless you don't give a hoot about security.

The 'User' and 'Group' directives in your wotsit.conf would have helped,
as would 'ls -l' on your file test.pl and its parent directories.


> Be different. Think.


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