Hi! I'm trying to get some help in figuring out why I'm having problems with some AWStats perl modules in my Apache 2.0.48 (worker MPM)/mod_perl-1.99_13/Perl 5.8.2 (multi-threaded) on Redhat 9 Linux environment.

Here is a link to the AWStats weblog analyzer:


Basically, AWStats uses Perl modules that get loaded at runtime to handle some functions, like displaying icons for identified browsers or flag icons of identified countries, etc. Intermittently, these modules behave incorrectly and the expected icons don't appear. I've contacted the AWStats author (the main developer at least) about this and he's thinking it's an issue with mod_perl. I don't know if he's right but I'm coming here to see if this is the case or not. :)

Here are his comments:

" If sometimes flags are here, problem is in loading the domains.pm (making country array not loaded correctly) file.
Because yo use mod_perl and i known this module has a very special way to load pm files and to initialize perl variables (variables are kept in memory between sessions and not reloaded at each load of awstats page), i think problem comes from mod_perl.
The DomainsHashIDLib array seems to be not always loaded by mod_perl but i don't know how to solve this."

Here is a link to the thread in question:


So, how can I determine what the cause of this intermittent behavior is? Could it be a problem with the main AWStats Perl script itself or somehing local to the Perl modules themselves? I have no idea where to begin tracking this down so ANY help would be greatly appreciated.




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