
I have a problem with apache and mod_perl;

The cgi-bin directory has many perl files in it. All execute except index.pl which produces the browser Save As dialog. The content of the file saved is the content of index.pl (not something else).

However, if I rename the file to something other than index.pl (e.g. index1.pl), it executes as it should.

Please help as this is driving me potty!


httpd.conf looks like this:

Alias /cgi-bin/ "/home/newbusiness/www/cgi-bin/"
<Location /cgi-bin>
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlSetupEnv On
   Options +ExecCGI
   PerlAuthenHandler Authenticate
   AuthName Visitors
   AuthType Cookie
   Require  valid-user
   PerlAuthzHandler Authorise
   PerlHandler Apache::Registry

I've removed any DirectoryIndex directives.

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