the reason I'm asking is because the client is really more attuned to the java
hype/buzzwords that exists out there.  having done just a smattering of java, I
am somewhat at a loss as to tell them exactly why a perl solution is better.
this client does already have some investment in java, but no perl, so it is
probably more palatable to management to continue to invest in java.

the client is also quite concerned with scalability, but I am confident
that mod_perl will scale extremely well.

On Tue, Aug 10, 2004 at 09:19:17PM +0200, Xavier Noria wrote:
> Errr... I asked those questions because it is difficult to answer that 
> without more context. When you need to choose a technology several 
> variables matter.
> For instance, if you are working as a freelance for a Java-based 
> company that will maintain that software afterwards that makes a 
> difference. If the client is buzzwords inclined or has prejudices 
> against open source that matters. If you are the developer offering a 
> service in ASP mode then you can choose the development tools based on 
> your preferences. You see, there are no absolute advantages (insert a 
> Perl versus Java joke here).

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