We offer mod_perl support on shared hosting plans:

on 8/29/04 11:53 AM, Martin RJ Cleaver at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> https://panel.dreamhost.com/kbase/index.cgi?area=2446 says:
> "We do not support mod_perl on our shared hosting plans.
> We're sorry about this; the problem is that mod-perl is just too
> much of a memory hog to attach to Apache (the web serving software),
> and it introduces a great deal of instability to our systems.
> We are looking into ways to provide mod_perl in the future, but do
> not currently have a time line in place."
> As I see it, Mod_perl provides two things: 1) speed and 2)
> functionality in terms of an operating environment.
> The application I want to run (WebGUI) needs mod_perl for its
> operating environment - is there some setting that is going to
> reassure my hosting provider that they can run mod_perl and that the
> mod_perl module (or my context) will get swapped out after a short
> period of time? I don't intend to be hitting my WebGUI application
> very often so I'm not too concerned about speed.
> Thanks,
>  Martin.

Randall Perry

Xserve Web Hosting/Co-location
Website Design/Development
WebObjects Hosting
Mac Consulting/Sales


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