reposting as first post apparantly didnt get thru

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Issac Goldstand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: BEGIN/END block problems with Win32::Shortcut under mp1

> IMHO, your approach is best, although I'm not sure why it would
> be calling END.  In any case, you only need to use() the module once at
> startup.  Most likely, in the "scripts" which are calling the functions,
> could just import() the module.  Or maybe I misunderstood.
>   Issac
> BTW: From a developer's standpoint, that doesn't sound like a healthy way
> for the module you're using to work.  It sounds like it would be better
> designed as an OO module.  To illustrate this, I recently wrote a Perl
> application which needed to JavaScript parsing.  As such, I rewrote some
> parts of the JAvaScript::SpiderMonkey module (I didn't like the way most
> it was written - I started helping to rewrite it, but it took to long and
> eventually I had to get back to work work so I just wrote the parts I
> in my own module, but I'm getting off track).  Getting to the point,
> I could work with any JavaScript, I also had initialization, and had to do
> de-initialization.  To solve this, I made the object OO-oriented, and had
> do XS init stuff in the new() call (before being bless()ed) and de-init
> stuff in DESTROY, rather than END.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Steve Hay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:24 PM
> Subject: BEGIN/END block problems with Win32::Shortcut under mp1
> > (Non-Win32 users:  The real issue here is not Win32-specific.)
> >
> > I'm trying to write an mp1/Apache::Registry script on Win32 that uses
> > the Win32::Shortcut module, and I find that it works fine under CGI but
> > not mod_perl.
> >
> > I think the problem is this:
> >
> > Win32::Shortcut in an XS module.  The XS file has a BOOT: section which
> > calls a Win32 API function called CoInitialize().  This is called by
> > "bootstrap Win32::Shortcut;" when the module is require()'d/use()'d.
> > The PM file has an END block which calls an XS routine which calls
> > another Win32 API function called CoUninitialize().
> >
> > Nothing else in this module works unless it is called *between* those
> > calls to CoInit and CoUninit.
> >
> > Under CGI, when my script starts running it runs "use Win32::Shortcut;"
> > which calls CoInit, then it does whatever it has to do, then exits,
> > causing the END block to be run, which calls CoUninit.  The next time
> > the script is run we just do it all again:
> >
> > ----------
> > CoInit
> > # do stuff for request 1
> > CoUninit
> > ----------
> > CoInit
> > # do stuff for request 2
> > CoUninit
> > ----------
> > ...
> >
> > However, under Apache::Registry the CoInit call only gets done once
> > because the module is only loaded once and thereafter gets cached, but
> > the END block is still run at the end of every script run, so now we
> >
> > ----------
> > CoInit
> > # do stuff for request 1
> > CoUninit
> > ----------
> > # do stuff for request 2
> > CoUninit
> > ----------
> > ...
> >
> > You can see why request 2 doesn't work: CoUninit was called at the end
> > of request 1 and CoInit hasn't been called since.
> >
> > I tried placing a "use Win32::Shortcut;" line in my mp1
> > script (and I also tried "PerlModule Win32::Shortcut" in the httpd.conf
> > file instead, which I believe amounts to the same thing) to see if this
> > would help, but it doesn't:
> >
> > As explained in the mod_perl manpage, the END block will now only get
> > run once (at server shutdown) because it was encountered during server
> > startup.  I thought that this would solve the problem since now we have
> > one call to CoInit at startup and one call to CoUninit at shutdown and
> > neither gets called any other time, but I now find that *no* requests to
> > the script work, not even the first request!
> >
> > I think the reason is that the parent Apache.exe loaded the module,
> > doing the CoInit call (and will later run the END block, doing the
> > CoUninit too), but the child Apache.exe actually serves the request, and
> > the CoInit/CoUninit calls have to be made from the same process that
> > wants to be doing stuff in-between, so now the child doesn't work at all
> > since it never called CoInit to start with.
> >
> > The only way that I've got this working so far is to simulate what
> > Apache::StatINC would do if the module was changed between every
> > request:  I've deleted the loading of the module from server startup,
> > and now have this in my script:
> >
> >     use Win32::Shortcut;
> >     delete $INC{'Win32/'};
> >     require 'Win32/';
> >     ...
> >
> > The use() line there gets an END block installed to be run at the end of
> > every script run, while the delete()/require() calls force the bootstrap
> > code to be re-run at the start of every script run.
> >
> > This seems to work (so far!), but is there a more elegant way of doing
> this?
> >
> > - Steve
> >
> >
> >
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> >
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