
I have a pretty stange bug (or whatever it is) when using mod_perl
together with mod_negotiation (MultiViews) and Apache::AuthCookie.

When GET-ing a page with a suffix-less name (http://my-server/om-sidan)
from my server, everytings first work fine.  After a few requests totally
(not neccecary the same resource), i get error 406 for every such request:

"Not Acceptable
An appropriate representation of the requested resource /om-sidan could
not be found on this server.

Available variants:
om-sidan.shtml , type text/html"

This is despite the fact that Mozilla (the browser) seems to provide a
valid Accept header. It does not use TCN, it seems like. (This was
observed with a custom 406 error document). It can happend with any
content type: perl scripts (type text/html), images ... anything. It seem
to be a state that each server process can get into, because some server
processes still deliver correct answers. A reload "fixes" it. Forcing a
downgrade to HTTP 1.0 does not fix it, seems not to be connection-specific.

I have MultiViews turned on in the virtual server.

The problem does only seem to occur with Mozilla-derived browsers (Galeon,
Firefox, Safari), not Internet Explorer (yech), links ...

I have been using Apache::AuthCookie for for a mod_perl based
authentication system or simple application server. It does not mess with
the content negotion or do anything special with mozilla.

Software used
Apache 1.3.26 Ben-SSL/1.48 (Unix) Debian GNU/Linux
HTML::Embperl 1.3.3
mod_perl 1.26
Apache::AuthCookie 3.04

thanks for any help!
Per Eric
^): Per Eric Rosén http://rosnix.nu/~per/
/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  GPG 7A7A BD68 ADC0 01E1 F560 79FD 33D1 1EC3 1EBB 7311

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