On Wed, 24 Nov 2004, Thierry Valentin wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm currently using the following configuration:
> - Perl from Activestate
> - Apache 2.0.52 installed from the MSI package
> - mod_perl 1.99_17 installed with ppm from http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca
> All these 3 packages are frehsly installed and I did no other additions.
> After configuring mod_perl in http.conf I tried the following:
> - preload Win32::OLE with a 'use Win32::OLE' in the mod_perl startup script:
> => Apache2 refuses to start.
> - preload Win32::OLE with a PerlModule Win32::OLE' directive in http.conf:
> => Apache2 still refuses to start
> What's strange is that CGI scripts that use Win32::OLE
> under mod_perl in an identical server configuration run
> successfully!

I see the same problem when trying to use Win32::OLE in a
startup script (with no error messages recorded - just a
popup box saying that Apache encountered a problem when
trying to start). This will require some debugging, but just
to confirm - if you take out Win32::OLE from your startup
script, but use it in a location handled by
ModPerl::Registry, are there any problems?

best regards,

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