Barksdale, Ray wrote:
>>OK, so it has something to do with 64-bit-ness. But I didn't
>>Was this problem seen on a 64-bit CPU or on a 32-bit CPU, but
>>then code
>>was compiled for 64-bit?
> The problem (more of an observation at this point) was the apparent
> excessive memory usage of Apache2/mod_perl2 (64-bit build) on top
> of 64-bit Linux (RedHat Fedora Core 2 - AMD64 distribution).
> We built perl/Apache/mod_perl/libapreq/etc/etc.... in the same fashion
> as we had for our 32-bit environment (again RedHat Fedora Core 2 - x86).
> The memory load was normal.
> We were not doing any crosscompiles of 64 to 32 or viceversa.
> I had a brain fart. We (read "me") got crossed up on what -m64 caused
> gcc to do. I read the docs and understood this to cause gcc to force
> the usage of the additional registers on the opteron. This is the
> default behavior when building (note to self...) in the 64-bit environment.
> Also found that there is a -march=k8 option (again a default in 64-bit
> land).
> As far as the memory usage problem I thought I was on to the source when
> I stripped my httpd binary and went from:
>    VIRT    RES     SHR
>    76232 3856      73m
>   to
>    17524 2064      15m

That's still pretty big. Are you running a debug version of all libs (libc and such?) that would explain the size.

> (both without mod_perl) but this resulted in a minimal gain once
> mod_perl was loaded.

How much added in numbers?

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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