Hi folks,

I'm trying to recompile Perl and Apache/mod_perl on a Debian Sarge
system using the following versions:

 Perl 5.8.6
 Apache 1.3.33
 mod_perl 1.29

I am compiling mod_perl statically (using Apachetoolbox) with the
following options:


During compilation of mod_perl, I was seeing undefined reference errors
which are nicely described on the install page[1]. The prescription
suggests rebuilding Perl with dynamic linking; apparently the version
that's shipped with Debian is not dynamically linked(?). Sounds fine,
but I'm not a C programmer so am not sure exactly what this means.

>From what I could find reading the INSTALL document that comes with the
Perl source, I need to recompile with the -Duseshrplib compile-time
option. My understanding is that this option will build a libperl.so
file. Is this correct? Am I taking the right action to build a dynamic

With that option, I am able to compile Apache with mod_perl. Now though,
when starting the newly compiled server, I'm receiving relocation errors
which appear to be due to multiple versions of libperl.so/libperl.a (not
sure which).

While browsing the net for possible solutions, I came across the
troubleshooting document[2]. It seems to say that if 'perl
-V:useshrplib' returns true, then Perl is statically linked. Is this
correct? It seems opposite of what I'd expect from reading the INSTALL

I'm pretty much at wits end as to why I'm receiving relocation errors.
The best I can figure is some kind of binary incompatibility between the
version of Perl that I've compiled and previously compiled libraries.
I've tried reinstalling some of the XS modules such as DBI which seems
to clear up these errors.

Any other suggestions or pointers, esp. in light of the differences
between dynamic and static linking and libperl.so/libperl.a, would be
much appreciated.



Knowmad Services Inc.

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