Title: Re: MP2 - Make test Error - t/api/request_rec.t
>>It's possible that you create a closure somewhere, but you don't show that
>>somewhere. Otherwise why would you have defined all those globals. Try to
>>get rid of those and pass things by value.

I think I found the problem, I've been overlooking the obvious - even though all tests were successful after building mod_perl and I'm loading mod_perl.so from the conf file with no errors, it doesn't appear mod_perl is installed as it doesn't appear in the error log, perl-status or via  the list of modules that appear after ./apachectl -l.
Apache is in
And I build, make, make test and make install without a problem using
perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs MP_AP_CONFIGURE="--with-mpm=prefork"
I even tried MP_AP_PREFIX to the source, everything built and installed correctly, but when starting up apache there is no signs of mod_perl anyplace.
No closer to a solution, but it looks like I have some direction.

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