d) Another useful tip - that may seem a bit stupid, but which I found useful - was to check after completing the installation process that the 'modules' directory under '/usr/local/apache2' (or whatever) contained the file 'mod_perl.so'. In my first few attempts at installation this was useful to see if things had actually been installed in the right place.

I'm not sure I'm following this one. Did you have a case that it wasn't installed there?

Yes... I'm trying to recall the details but I think it was because I had set the MP_AP_PREFIX= to the wrong location (...my earlier comment about not understanding what it should be set to!). The install said completed without coughing, and when I looked hopefully in the /modules/ directory of the Apache installation tree the 'mod_perl.so' was absent. So I used that method to check whether I was at least on the right track with the installation.

I tried it a couple of times before I realised what I might be doing wrong... =)

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