I didn't get very far with debugging the test (basically the test server
got started and I lost control of the debugger). At any rate, I found
some more information about sockets inside of jailed environments[1].
Section 4.2.2 seems to indicate that the type of socket we are creating
in the following code from A::TestRequest is OK:

  require IO::Socket;
  return IO::Socket::INET->new(%args);

As an alternate approach, I've created a test script that opens a socket
to the test webserver and prints the same strings from the test. First,
I start the test servers via t/TEST -start. Then I run my attached
script. The output is as expected. I think this is a good thing but
probably means there is a problem somewhere in the test scripts. Any
ideas for tracking this one down?

As for determing whether we are running inside of a jail, there are
several techniques. The simplest seems to be checking the output of 'df
/' to see if it reports being mounted on a different filesystem (e.g.,
/local/jails in my case). Other solutions require C code or additional


[2] http://memberwebs.com/nielsen/freebsd/jails/jailutils/

Knowmad Services Inc.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use IO::Socket;

my $host = 'localhost';
my $port = '8529';
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port) or die "Unable to create listener socket: $!";

my @test_strings = qw(MODPERL 2.0 RULES);
for my $str (@test_strings) {
    print $socket "$str\n";
    chomp(my $reply = <$socket>||'');
    $str = lc $str;
    $str =~ s/modperl/mod_perl/;
    print ("Reply = $reply\nExpected = $str\n");

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