On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 04:53:45PM +0000, Joe Orton wrote:
> Check for the result of the:
> "checking if O_NONBLOCK setting is inherited from listening sockets"
> test when you run the configure script.

I wasn't sure if you were referring to the mod_perl or Apache configure
script. When I ran the following command, the setting was no:

perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/usr/local MP_USE_STATIC=1
MP_AP_CONFIGURE="--with-mpm=prefork --prefix=/usr/local/apache2_perl"

The config.log file from that command is temporarily available here[1].

> file and upload it somewhere so we can check it.  Then try:
> export ac_cv_o_nonblock_inherited=yes
> or equivalent in your shell then re-run configure and re-build
> everything and re-run the mod_perl test suites.

Reran the above command followed by make && make test. Here is the
output (relevent error is Can't open t/conf/perlsection.conf; that file
exists and is 644 with nobody.nobody as owner.group):

  waiting 120 seconds for server to start: .[Thu Feb 17 14:46:29 2005]
  [info] 7 Apache:: modules loaded
  [Thu Feb 17 14:46:29 2005] [info] 0 APR:: modules loaded
  [Thu Feb 17 14:46:29 2005] [info] base server + 27 vhosts ready to run
  .Syntax error on line 51 of
  Can't open
  Permission denied at
  /stubs/usr_local/src/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4/t/conf/extra.last.conf line
  waiting 120 seconds for server to start: not ok
  [  error] giving up after 121 secs. If you think that your system
  is slow or overloaded try again with a longer timeout value.
  by setting the environment variable APACHE_TEST_STARTUP_TIMEOUT
  to a high value (e.g. 420) and repeat the last command.
  [  error] server failed to start! (t/logs/error_log wasn't created,
  start the server in the debug mode)
  | Please file a bug report: http://perl.apache.org/bugs/ |
  *** Error code 1
  Stop in /stubs/usr_local/src/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4.

> > > I presume that httpd+mod_perl were at least configured and built
> > > *outside* the chroot?
> > 
> > No, it was built inside the jail. I have no access outside of my jail.
> I think this is a bit optimistic.  I would use a proper FreeBSD 5.3
> machine somewhere else to build the software, then deploy prebuilt
> binaries on the production machine inside the jail.

Well, I'm going to be an optimist for now. If I run into production
problems (beyond these tests failing), I'll certainly go with your
recommendation. Unfortunately, I do not have access to a FreeBSD 5.3
server to run the tests outside of a jail to see if all are passing.
I'll try to setup one in the coming weeks.


[1] http://test.knowmad.com/~william/config.log

Knowmad Services Inc.

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