On Fri, 2005-03-04 at 17:24 +0800, victor wrote:
> I have been using SizeLimit with FixupHandler since day one and it has 
> been working wonderful, recently I noticed the documention have been 
> changed now the CleanupHandler become the prefered choice of handler to 
> handle SizeLimit.

It still does the same thing it always did, i.e. if you use any phase
other than cleanup it just pushes a cleanup handler to run at the end of
the request.  That seemed pointless to me, so I changed the

> I didn't have to wait very long, only after an hour or so, I start 
> getting report that the box is acting 'funny', it starts rejecting  
> requests and checking the log it seems some of the variables in the 
> script being call, seems to be returning undefined.

I can't think of any reason that change would make a difference.  Do you
have something else that might be trying to set a cleanup handler?

- Perrin

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