Hi all,

The following Apache CPAN modules are looking for new owners:

1) Apache-DebugFilter (mp2)


2) Apache-Filter-HTTPHeadersFixup (mp2)


3) Apache-GTopLimit (mp1, still needs to be ported to mp2)


4) Apache-Peek (mp1 + mp2)


5) Apache-Scoreboard-1.0 (mp1) Apache-Scoreboard-2.0 (mp2)


6) Apache-VMonitor-1.0 (mp1) old generation, using print, no maintenance required Apache-VMonitor-2.0 (mp1 + mp2) new generation, using Template Toolkit


7) Apache-Watchdog-RunAway (mp1 + mp2)


notice that 5 and 6 are coming in bundle, since their user API is either mostly or completely identical and both seen as the same thing under CPAN, though they live in separate repositories.

All modules are under svn control conveniently hosted by perl.org:

To checkout a module from the above list, for example Apache-Peek, type:

  svn co https://svn.perl.org/modperl-modules/Apache-Peek/trunk Apache-Peek

of course you need to have a subversion client installed. If not, you can always grab the latest released version from search.cpan.org, but eventually you will need svn to be able to commit.

1) How to claim the ownership?

The ownership will be given on the first-come first-served basis.

Reply to this list if you want to own one or more modules, indicating which, so others will know that they are taken already

2) How to get the ownership transferred?

a) Email me offlist your CPANID and I'll transfer the ownership to you, so you will be able to do future CPAN releases.

b) Email me offlist your valid https://auth.perl.org/ user id and I'll ask Robert to give you a commit access to the module you will now own.

Thank you.

-- __________________________________________________________________ Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide ---> http://perl.apache.org mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org http://ticketmaster.com

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