Hi All,

I have a RedHat 3.0AS with apache 2.48
When I surf to a folder on my apache that I have set to be authenticated
from my domain. My Internet Explorer 6 gets and windows login popup,
where it ask me to fill in  
User Name 
but I want the login to be transparent.. 
this is what I have in the httpd.conf file 

Alias /cordys "/opt/cordys/Web"
<Directory "/opt/cordys/Web">
        PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::AuthenNTLM
        AllowOverride All
        AuthType ntlm,basic
        AuthName Cordys
        require valid-user
        PerlAddVar ntdomain "NTDOM   mdc-nl-ntdom0"
        PerlSetVar defaultdomain NTDOM
        PerlSetVar splitdomainprefix 1
        PerlSetVar ntlmdebug 1

And I have set the following parameters:

MaxKeepAliveRequests 200

KeepAliveTimeout 25

<IfModule prefork.c>
StartServers        10
MinSpareServers     10
MaxSpareServers     15
MaxClients         200
MaxRequestsPerChild  0

<IfModule worker.c>
StartServers         1
MaxClients          75
MinSpareThreads     25
MaxSpareThreads     75
ThreadsPerChild     25
MaxRequestsPerChild  0
ServerLimit          1

Anyone who knows what's wrong or where to start to look for the problem?

Thanks in advance,

Gert Jan Schipper

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