I have a typical situation, with a Registry script that use's
a bunch of modules.  After Apache::Reload reloads the first module,
I get errors suggesting that the other loaded modules have been lost.

To illustrate, it is like this (fake example):



  use Fubar;
  use Snafu;

  $f = Fubar->new()
  $s = Snafu->new()

I run once, then 'touch /path/to/Fubar.pm'

Then I run from client, and I get error:

   Can't locate object method "new" via package "Snafu" at ...

Makes no sense to me?  Any ideas?    Same code on Apache 1.3 no problem.
My Reload config is:

PerlModule Apache2::Reload
PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
PerlSetVar ReloadModules "Fubar"
PerlSetVar ReloadDebug On

And I also have both Fubar and Snafu in my Apache PerlRequire file.


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