This is the software installed on my system:

  Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4

This is the configuration in my httpd.conf file:

  LoadModule perl_module modules/
  PerlRequire /usr/my/dev/lib/My/
  SetHandler modperl
  PerlResponseHandler My::Handler

This is the content of /usr/my/dev/lib/My/

  use lib '/usr/my/dev/lib';
  open(STDERR, ">>/tmp/mod_perl.error.log") || die $!;

This is the content of /usr/my/dev/lib/My/

  package My::Handler;

  use Apache2::RequestRec ();
  use Apache2::RequestIO ();
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK);

  sub handler {
    my $r = shift;
    # require Mozilla::LDAP::API;
    return Apache2::Const::OK;

The problem is that if I uncomment the require line in the handler, I get the following error message in /tmp/mod_perl.error.log:

  Error loading Mozilla::LDAP::API: perldap_init failed

The solution might be related to the following XS code in API.xs:

  if ( perldap_init() != 0) {
     "Error loading Mozilla::LDAP::API: perldap_init failed\n");

So, perhaps perldap_init() is being called multiple times. Is there something I can try in mod_perl to avoid this kind of problem? Can I provide more information to help solve this problem?

Marc Tardif
(514) 866-8883

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