On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 12:10:36 -0400
 Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

sorry about that.
No problem, but it really would be great if the equivalent of "Writing Apache modules with Perl and C" by Lincoln Stein and Doug MacEachern or of your wonderful work "modperl: Developer's cookbook" existed for modperl2 as well. That's what I actually meant, but maybe I expressed myself not so clearly...

well, homework exists for a reason, and perl.apache.org is your friend.
This is why I am so proud to work under an opensource environment! :)

nope, but you have lots of reading to do. I'd suggest
one of the books from
the mod_perl site to get your started understanding apache basics.
In this regard, just to show that I didn't chatter for nothing, and to point out once again what I feel the need for, I have another (hopefully harmless) question: I tried to rewrite for the new 2.0 API the nice Apache::MIME package from chapter 8 of "Writing Apache Modules..." (http://files.printf.dk/docs/apache_perl/98.htm#BIN210); it also uses customized directives, so that one can completely switch off mod_mime.c and have all of mod_mime's directives handled by the package itself. BUT the authors maybe forgot one directive: AddOutputFilter, which is handled by mom_mime. I have in my httpd.conf a line: `AddOutputFilter Includes html` (which is pretty standard for new error docs handling in Apache 2.0.x). My question now is: what do I write in my type handler in order to add an output filter that is exactly equivalent to Apache's INCLUDES compiled-in filter? $r->add_output_filter(\&callback): but what is the callback for an Apache's standard filter? IMHO an answer to such a question cannot yet be found neither in perl.apache.org docs nor in existing modperl books. But nevertheless I don't want to sound bold, maybe I am just wrong.
Thx again.

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