> I tried to rewrite for the new 2.0 API the nice Apache::MIME package
> from chapter 8 of "Writing Apache Modules..."
> (http://files.printf.dk/docs/apache_perl/98.htm#BIN210); it also uses
> customized directives, so that one can completely switch off mod_mime.c
> and have all of mod_mime's directives handled by the package itself. BUT
> the authors maybe forgot one directive: AddOutputFilter, which is
> handled by mom_mime. 

well, AddOutputFilter didn't exist when that book was written.

and you don't want to worry about that directive for mod_mime anyway - in
apache 2.X does what a mime handler should do, simply set the MIME type
based on various criteria.  specifically, mod_mime no longer handles
SetHandler, which means we can (finally) use the PerlTypeHandler to do
something meaningful.

> I have in my httpd.conf a line: `AddOutputFilter
> Includes html` (which is pretty standard for new error docs handling in
> Apache 2.0.x). My question now is: what do I write in my type handler in
> order to add an output filter that is exactly equivalent to Apache's
> INCLUDES compiled-in filter?
> $r->add_output_filter(\&callback): but what is the callback for an
> Apache's standard filter?
> IMHO an answer to such a question cannot yet be found neither in
> perl.apache.org docs 



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