Philippe M. Chiasson wrote:
> Benoit Caron wrote:
>>I'm having trouble with a new setup on a RedHat Entreprise Linux 4 box.
>>The problem is that whenever there is perl code that fork to execute
>>something, the apache child hang.
> Have you read:
> And looked into Apache::SubProcess ?

Yes, I did.

The problem I have is not really to be able to fork efficiently or
anything else. It really is the hang that bugs me. I'm wearing the
sysadmin's hat now...

The exemple I used for my test is done with /bin/hostname; I know of
course that it would make a lot more sense to use Sys::Hostname to do
this. But the problem I have happen with anything that fork. Another
example of such problematic scripts is one of the admins tool for the
sites that use cp and rsync: the performance is absolutely not a problem
for a scripts that's called 3 times a day.

I've continued my investigation: what I suspect is a bad interaction
with the NFS shared dir that somehow "corrupted" the Apache process and
later cause the hang. This problem happens only on my RHEL4 boxes; the
RHEL3 are doing fine with the same code.

What I would have really like is to someone familiar with the internals
of all of this to help me find more test of investigation to do. I can
take out that particular example (the hostname test) from the code and
to the job another way, but it is hard to be sure that none of the code
that run ou will run on the pool will use a backtick or a system call

The code that triggers the bug use Apache::Session::File, on an NFS
share. Have anyone had problem with that? Do I have some special
configuration to give to A::S::File to help it behave correctly on an
NFS share?

Any suggestion of a different method to share the session data between a
pool of 6 servers? I've used Apache::Session::Oracle a few years ago,
for another project, and the performance hit was way to big. The web
site is using an Oracle database, but could it still be faster to use a
MySQL server so store the sessions? I suppose that for the simple
get/set that the sessions support needs, MySQL could be faster?

Anyway, thanks for the help.

Benoit Caron
Administrateur système
Canoe inc.
I don't find that being really up on all the latest
technology ever does me any good.
-- William Gibson

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