Tom Schindl wrote:

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I went back to my 2.0.40 install of Apache. The 2.0.54 was not playing
nice with plesk. How do I update the @INC path and/or mod_perl for the
new perl 5.8.7? I try using CPAN with install Bundle::Apache and no go.
Any ideas?


I not sure if there have been API changes since 2.0.40 and 2.0.54 but
compiling mod-perl-2.x with apache 2.0.54 and use it with 2.0.40 this
will certainly lead to very strange situations you.

As in the message before there's nothing wrong when running 2.0.40 if
your plesk system needs it and install your own apache-2.0.54 and run it
on a different port (e.g. 81).

As already said before als compiling Apache-2.0.x is straight forward
and nothing you could not manage without reading the bundled

- ------------------8<------------------
tar xzvf stable.tar.gz
cd perl-5.8.7/
sh ./Configure -de -Dprefix=/opt/myperl
make test
make install
cd ..
tar xjvf httpd-2.0.54.tar.bz2
cd httpd-2.0.54
./configure --prefix=/opt/myapache
make install
vi /opt/myapache/conf/httpd.conf # search for Listen and set it to 81
cd ..
cd mod_perl-2.0.1/
/opt/myperl/bin/perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=/opt/myapache/bin/apxs
make test
make install
vi /opt/myapache/conf/httpd.conf # Add LoadModule perl_module
/opt/myapache/bin/apachectl start
- ------------------8<------------------

I've timed it and it took my now exactly 20 Minutes to get a setup with:
- - perl 5.8.7
- - httpd-2.0.54
- - mod-perl 2.0.1

When it comes to php I have no idea but I think its also that straight
forward. As I've always said I'm not a friend of those rpm's and it
really does take that long to get a running system. At least less time
than it took you:
- - find what's going wrong with your installation
- - work with ancient software like apache-2.0.40 causing you headache
 because you are runing it long standing fixed bugs

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Thanks so much for everyones help. I think I will run the apache 2.0.40 for all of the main site and everything. Would it be a performance issue to run both at the same time? Also, I will need to share variables (or at least a cookie or something for authorized users) between the two servers/scripts. Is this possible? I will need to auth a user from one server (using PHP/Mambo)... and only allow those authed users to use this second server. I am very open to suggestions. I have both Perl 5.8.0 and 5.8.7 installed. Both seems to still be working fine. The main system (when just using perl from the $PATH) is now using 5.8.7. Perl 5.8.0 seems to still be working and installed. I wouldn't need mod_php on the second server... at least night right away... so that is not an issue. Is it best to install into /opt? I didn't do this for Perl.. nor the new apache, however I removed all apache2 files I could find with 'locate'. I prefer to use RPMs... however the main httpd server is an RPM... 2.0.40. Also, I can have many IPs... so I would maybe not run on port 81... just run it on 80 on a different IP. Thanks in advance.


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