On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Steve Baker wrote:

Hash: SHA1

| As Perrin mentioned, this may not be a problem with mod_perl
| specifically, so it may be worth asking on the soap-lite
| mailing list. Just to verify this, I've placed at
|   http://people.apache.org/~randyk/
| a file, bug-reporting-skeleton-mp1.tar.gz, which can be
| used to test your mod_perl SOAP installation. To use it:
|   perl Makefile.PL
|   make
|   make test
| If the tests pass, can you see differences between the
| modules and/or configuration used here and the one you
| have? If the tests don't pass, is there anything useful
| in the error log? Or does
|   perl t/TEST -v
| provide any clues?

It doesn't appear I can run this. It uses ModPerl::MM, which appears to be part of mod_perl 2, but as I mentioned, I'm using 1.29.

Sorry about that - I forgot to change that section in
the Makefile.PL. I replaced the archive in the link above
with one that has the appropriate change.

best regards,

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