I had a similar problem with mp2 on windows. I was using Visual Studio .NET
2002 to compile mod_perl and this
was the source of all evil. A bug in .NET.
I had to download service pack 1 for .NET 2002 from microsoft.com and
recompile mod_perl.

If this doesn't help you should supply a backtrace. (I hope you have visual

First read this
then recompile your perl, apache and mod_perl with the debbuging flags.
Then start your visual studio.
Start your apache server and wait for the bad message window to appear
and when it happens, click Cancel. A new window should
show up asking you whether to use VS to debbug the application - click OK.
Check "Native" for the "Program type to debug".
If the call stack doesn't appear go to Debug->Windows->Call Stack.
Then copy the stack and paste it here.
It should be something like this:

  perl58.dll!win32_msgwait(interpreter * my_perl=0x01a43a64, unsigned long
count=0, void * * handles=0x00000000, unsigned long timeout=300000, unsigned
long * resultp=0x00000000)  Line 1950 + 0x18 C
  perl58.dll!win32_sleep(unsigned int t=300)  Line 2135 + 0x16 C
  perl58.dll!PerlProcSleep(IPerlProc * piPerl=0x015d2780, unsigned int
s=300)  Line 1656 + 0x9 C++
  perl58.dll!Perl_pp_sleep(interpreter * my_perl=0x01a43a64)  Line 4535 +
0xb C

>"Foo Ji-Haw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>Hello all,
>I have set up my MP2 application, which in the course of development has
been reasonably stable. But when I put it under reasonably load (I have a
daemon with >5 threads that call it periodically, and I browse around the
pages with 2 other collegues), sometimes I get this error (see attached for
the actually screenshot):
>The instruction at "0x280877f1" referenced memory at "0x515ee28". The
memory coudl not be "read".
>The application basically freezes at this point. Clicking on the OK button
seems to bring MP2 back to operations immediately. Looking at the log,
Apache seems to have restarted.
>This is very annoying, as my app is generally ready to go, but intermittent
errors like this makes it otherwise. Nothing else is capture in the log, so
I don't know >where to go to discover the culprit.
>Can anyone please advise me on this? Appreciate it!

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