On Tue, 1 Nov 2005 14:31:33 +0000 (GMT)
Martin Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm a little confused. And was wondering if I could
> get a sanity check..
> I have a mod perl method handler and at start it runs
> this code
> my $is_initial_req = $r->is_initial_req;
>     my $is_main = $r->is_main;
>     my $main = $r->main;
>     my $proxyreq = $r->proxyreq;
>     print STDERR
> Dumper('is_initial_req',$is_initial_req,'is_main',$is_main,'main',
> $main,'proxyreq',$proxyreq) if $DEBUG;
> I am running a system which has embperl installed
> Why is is_initial_req consistently 0 for logout and
> consistently 1 for logout2...
> I tried swapping the order of the FilesMatch and the
> Location configs in my httpd.conf but this made no
> difference...
> So can anybody clear up this mystery for me?

  I think your FilesMatch is what is tripping you up.  As a test,
  move /logout/ to /logout3/ and see if you then get the same results
  as /logout2/.  

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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