I have recently had a bit of exposure to Class:DBI and CGI::Application
in a project running under CGI.

My (brief) experience of both is that they cut the code you have to
write dramatically, making development a whole lot faster.

But also, (certainly when running under CGI on my old laptop) they add a
lot of code which could be unnecessary.

I am about to start a new project with mod_perl 2 which (if it works) is
destined to be high-traffic, so performance will be an issue.  It's one
thing to optimise only when it is required, but it is another to have to
rip out the basic structure of your application in order to do it!

What are the experiences/opinions of using these modules under mod_perl
2 on high traffic sites?




Clinton Gormley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

www.TravelJury.com - For travellers, By travellers

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