On Mon, 14 Nov 2005 10:46:56 +1100
"Brett Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone else have any ideas as to how I can utilise persistent
> database connections to a MySQL server via DBI, in order to speed up
> web queries, but without the 20 or so connections per virtual server
> that sit there waiting for something to happen? Should I be doing this
> differently?

  Unfortunately Apache::DBI is doing exactly what you've told it to
  do.  You may be able to avoid this issue if you change how your
  application works, but that really depends on what it is doing 
  and how. 

  Here are some ideas that might help: 

  1) Ensure that your StartServers and Min/MaxSpareServers are 
     setup so that there are just enough processes hanging around
     to handle your load, but no more.  The idea being the less
     Apache children around the less database connections you are 

  2) Stop using connect_on_init().  While this will slightly slow
     down the first query per Apache child, it won't take up 
     database connections until the child actually needs to do 

  3) Try things without Apache::DBI.  In some situations Apache::DBI
     and persistant connections are crucial, but I have found with
     several apps in the past that it made little to no difference
     in the end user experience.  It is at least worth a try to see
     if the performance change is something you can live with. 

  Hope this helps! 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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