I'm headed out for the day, so I apologize for the email-and -un. I
posted this last night to PerlMonks, and I'll post it to the EU::MM list
when I get home:


Long story short, I got reports that perl Makefile.PL for my dist was
producing a 0 byte Makefile. After whittling it down, I found that any
encantation of use/require/eval ''/eval{} of APR::UUID in my Makefile.PL
was causing ExtUtils::MakeMaker to spit out a 0 byte Makefile; only on
OpenBSD. Linux/FreeBSD/win32 worked fine.

Removing the probe for APR::UUID solved the problem.

At this point, I have no idea what is going on, or even where the
problem is (EU::MM, Perl, XS, or APR::UUID). Someone on #catalyst
mentioned that there are Config/dl_load/ ne 'openbsd' bits in APR.xs
that may or maynot be just a coincedence.

Anyone else have any ideas?

When I get home, I'm going to make a bare bones dist and Makefile.PL for
testing purposes. Luckily, the reporter of the problem was kind enough
to seutp a test account for my on the mahcine in question.

It has MP 2.0.2, OpenBSD 3.8 RELEASE, perl 5.8.6, and EU::MM 6.30.


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