On Friday 20 January 2006 12:19 pm, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
> Personally, I dislike RoR intensely - part from the language, part  
> from the implementation, and part from the cultish following that  
> just seems like a bunch of kool aid drinkers all too often.
> Maypole and Catylst are both interesting, but I'm really not a fan of  
> all the automagic object relational stuff (which i think they share  
> with RoR).  I think its great for small projects, but for larger  
> things I think it actually complicates stuff.

I've been meaning to look at Catalyst, but I'm pretty happy with the 
CGI::Builder framework, which is very flexible, is pretty well integrated 
with other CPAN tools such as session management and templates modules, and 
more or less follows the Apache request cycle.  It started out as an improved 
CGI::Application clone but is much better and more flexible.

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