
I always thought that could be retrieved from "Apache2::BuildConfig"
e.g. to get where you apx is located you could use:

print Apache2::BuildConfig->new()->MP_APXS . "\n";


David Wheeler wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want to create App::Info::HTTPD::Apache2 to complement 
> App::Info::HTTPD::Apache.
>   http://search.cpan.org/dist/App-Info/
> The way it works is that it looks for an httpd executable. But I need 
> to know where Apache2 is typically installed. So, please reply to me 
> off list, if you have Apache 2 and you can, with the path to your 
> Apache 2 installations. Specifically, I need to know the location of 
> your httpd binary, and if it has a different name (like some installs 
> of Apache 1 use names like "apache" and "apache-perl").
> Thanks!
> David

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