Daniel McBrearty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm currently using mysql, but I'm considering changing over to firebird or
> postgre.
> Anyone have any reasoned loves/hates/useful experiences to pass on?

        I love postgresql!

        OK, to make it reasoned:

        * Better license than MySQL, BSD-like license means it can be
embedded in commercial products if need be.

        * Everything's journaled and transactional, which means the database
_may be slightly_ slower, but it's far more resistant to data corruption.

        * slony makes it easy to cluster your database.

        * People on the postgresql-general mailing list have been responsive
and helpful

        * PL/PGSQL procedural language is fast and not too difficult to
learn (although the documentation could use some improvement, if it weren't
for my having easy access to a postgres mentor I'd have wasted many more
hours on this...)

        * I dig the elephant logo.

                - Tyler

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