On Mon, 5 Jun 2006, Simon Wray wrote:

Thanks for the response Randy.

I did indeed install via the PPM package you note (

I have tried to execute this again in case it did end in error. However,
after asking for the initial Apache install location and then retrieving
the packages the DOS window simply closes. Which makes me think the
install has failed.

Does anyone know how I can clean-up this install and try again? Or
alternately where there is a log I can check to see why the mod_perl
install has aborted?

What you might try is removing mod_perl-2.2 from within
the ppm shell:
   C:\> ppm
   ppm> remove mod_perl-2.2
and then use the "mpinstall" script from
to install things - this script is a bit more verbose,
and also separates out the installation of the mod_perl
ppm package from the installation of the mod_perl.so
Apache module, making it easier to see if one or the
other failed.

best regards,
Randy Kobes

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