On Fri, 16 Jun 2006, Geoffrey Young wrote:

But I wasn't saying "I'm going to release it, screw you."

sure sounded that way, but ok.

I apologize. Note the question mark in the title of this thread. I thought I was offering to help the mod_perl project, honestly.

I was saying "I'd like to release a bug-fixed version, because I have no idea when mod_perl 1.30 will come out, if ever, but I can fix this bug and release Apache::SizeLimit 0.04 right now."

still, you think that would fly on p5p?  the change list on mp1 is very

Yes, it would fly on p5p. I did it with Time::Local, for example. In fact, p5p is very much in favor of dual-lifing modules, from what I can tell. Making something dual-life from the Perl core is relatively matter-of-fact these days. Heck, even very "internal-y" things like Threads.pm have been dual-lifed.

small, which is why there hasn't been a release in a while.  and you're
certainly capable of posting a patch and using CVS instead of
maintaining a separate fork.

The reason I want to release this is because we use Apache::SizeLimit at my day job. We're planning to open source our code eventually, and we don't want to release a forked Apache::SizeLimit, obviously. That means either getting a fixed version on CPAN or renaming our version to Socialtext::Apache::SizeLimit. I think the former is better since it benefits all mod_perl 1.x users.

Waiting for mod_perl 1.30 is really not an option. We can't have much impact over when that will come out, and I don't think we'd want to make that a prereq anyway. 1.29 is 2.5 years old, so pretty much every modern distro has it available as package. 1.30, even if it came out tomorrow, would be too new to make a prereq.

Telling people who go to install our app that they need to install Apache::SizeLimit "plus some random patch" on our servers would be pretty user-unfriendly. That's not how you make a nice install process for folks.

We want to say "you need mod_perl 1.29" plus Apache::SizeLimit 0.04, and have them be able to get that stuff via packages and/or CPAN, just like everything else.

separation is, in fact, a good thing, whether we want to pull in the
CPAN version on future releases, or drop it and confuse our userbase who
thought they would be getting an update on the next release, etc.

Like I said, I'd be happy to provide patches back to the mod_perl folks against what's in your tree. If a 1.30 is planned, I'd work with the maintainer to make sure that Apache::SizeLimit in the tree was up to date with what's on CPAN.

Frankly, I'm kind of insulted you'd think I'd make this a lot of work for the maintainer. I think I have a pretty good history of being a good free software citizen, especially in the Perl and mod_perl worlds. Please give me some credit here.

so, to that end, I'd suggest starting up a "hey, what do we do with
Apache::SizeLimit and other modules that might benefit from a separate
life on CPAN?"  personally, it doesn't matter to me what the outcome is

No, let's not start that thread, please. I'm not proposing to maintain any other modules, and I don't want to have an Apache::SizeLimit release gate on a decision about every other module. I'm proposing something small, simple, and doable in a short time frame.

If I do this and it inspires other people to come along and dual-life something else, that'd be great, I think.

so long as the main people responsible for managing releases agree.  one
thing for sure, though, I'd really prefer to see both mp1 and mp2
supported in a single release if Apache::SizeLimit does have a new,
separate life on CPAN...

What Philip said ;)


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