>>>>> On Fri, 07 Jul 2006 08:44:37 -0400, Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>> said:

 >> This piece works:
 >> <Perl>
 >> $PerlConfig = "Alias /ping/ /tmp/ping/\n";
 >> </Perl>
 >> <IfModule mod_asis.c>
 >> </IfModule>
 >> But the following doesn't:
 >> <Perl>
 >> $PerlConfig = "Alias /ping/ /tmp/ping/
 >> <IfModule mod_asis.c>
 >> </IfModule>
 >> ";
 >> </Perl>

  > this patch seems to have stalled:

  > http://marc2.theaimsgroup.com/?l=apache-modperl-dev&m=114021879222434&w=2

  > can you give it a whirl and see if it fixes things?


It doesn't fix the bug I reported.

But it brings me closer to a workaround. It allows me to write the
pretty weird looking config file:

   @PerlConfig = split /\n/, <<EOC;
     Alias /ping/ /tmp/ping/
     <IfModule mod_asis.c>

Before the patch I had no success with @PerlConfig, so apparently
Frank's patch fixes @PerlConfig.

For the bug I am reporting, there's something missing to split config
lines into single directives.


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