this is more of a discussion post than a response:

On Aug 5, 2006, at 10:02 AM, Mark Stosberg wrote:

do you have links of that in regards to dbd::pg? i didn't realize they supported it.

However, when deploying it on mod_perl on a busy website, I quickly saw a lot of this kind of error:

prepared statement "dbdpg_7" already exists

from my experience with psycopg ( python pg interface ) it is the persistant connection issue. obviously , you're trying to prepare a statement that has already been allocated. but i'm wondering how/why that's happening.

I found a related mention of this issue here:;

There the fix involved putting using DEALLOCATE when persistent

first, the patch with DEALLOCATE makes prepared statements entirely useless, as it means you're caching a prepared statement, running it, then deallocating it immediately afterwards. thats some brilliant php right there. why didn't they just do a conditional to never prepare on persistant connections ?

before looking into how dbd::pg is internally handling the prepared statements, are you using some sort of db abstraction layer like rose or class::dbi. or are you executing directly? if executing directly, are you creating statement handles on the outset, or are you just letting dbdpg handle all of that internally?

the prepared statement 'handle/name' is private to the session. so two different connections will each have their own statement handle.

my guess on things to look into:
        how is dpd::pg caching the statement handle?  are they even doing it?
where is the statment handle being cached, accessed, checked? in the memory space of the child, or in the shared area?

// Jonathan Vanasco

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