On Oct 18, 2006, at 3:17 PM, Michael Greenish wrote:
For now, I have reverted to not using Apache2::Reload, which is kind of a shame since I am still in the development stages of my application.

Just have your handler call another sub, and do everything in there. Apache2::Reload will definately pick up the changes

I'm attaching my working handlers below.

preview_check runs in an early apache hook- can't remember which one.

it sets up the environment, creates a PageUser ( aka $ctx ) and tests the ctx object to see if it has the preview cookie set- redirected if necessary.

handler runs during the expected mp output stage. it pulls environment stuff from pnotes, dispatches the page to be processed, and then prints output.

Everything I do in the main handler happens in the Page namespace.

On my tests just now, changes to package FindMeOn are never caught by Apache2::Reload.

However, any changes to FindMeOn::Page (which checks for permissions / dispatches / etc ) are always caught.


package FindMeOn;

sub preview_check {
        my      ( $r )= shift;
my $apr= Apache2::Request->new( $r , DISABLE_UPLOADS=>1 , POST_MAX=>10_000 );
        $r->pnotes( 'apr'=> $apr );
        my      $PageUser= FindMeOn::PageUser->new( $r , $apr );
        $r->pnotes( 'PageUser'=> $PageUser );
        # don't run this test on redirects
        if      ( $apr->location eq '/preview' ) {
                return Apache2::Const::OK;
        if      ( !$PageUser->preview__can() )
                $r->headers_out->set( Location=> '/preview/' );
                return Apache2::Const::REDIRECT;
        return Apache2::Const::OK;
sub handler {
        my      ( $r )= shift;
        my      $PageUser= $r->pnotes('PageUser');
        my      $apr= $r->pnotes('apr');
        my  $Page= FindMeOn::Page->new( $PageUser );
        eval {
                $r->print(  ${$Page->request__process()} );
                $PageUser->finish() ;
        if ( $@ ) {
                $r->print( $@ );
                return Apache2::Const::DONE;
        return Apache2::Const::OK;

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