This is a disappointing piece of news. Perl itself is very useful on the Windows environment. If modperl cannot be reliably deployed on Windows, how can we expect the Windows developers (which form the majority of developers) to consider adopting perl/ modperl for the enterprise?

I hope we can find people who can testify otherwise...

Issac Goldstand wrote:
YES! While it's acceptable for light and smallish applications, I've never found it to be really usable once you're serving concurrent connections.

On that note, I have a contract (job) offer for anyone who knows their way inside Perl (5.8) and mod_perl (2) enough to help troubleshoot a win32-related crash. In short, once we put heavy load on the server, we see a crash reported from inside libperl58.dll - my theory is that it's thread-related, but I don't have the time to look into it properly. If anyone thinks that they are capable of identifying and fixing the problem, please email me.


Foo JH wrote:
Hello guys,

Just want to get some feedback from people here who use MP2 on Windows for their production enviromment. For myself I have done MP2 on both FreeBSD and Windows platforms, and it seems to me that the FreeBSD combo is more reliable. The Windows version on occasion (but sure to happen) will throw out an error, and Apache will restart automatically. Does anyone share the same experience?

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