On Mon, 2007-01-15 at 15:54 +0000, John ORourke wrote:
>  - MySQL caches compiled statements, so why should I bother using 
> prepare/execute?

Do you mean "Why should I bother using prepare_cached?"  The reason for
that is the additional overhead of object creation that it avoids on the
database client side.  The choice to use prepare()/execute() instead of
do() or similar has more to do with being able to use bind parameters
and the more efficient methods of retrieving data like bind_columns().
This is all documented in the mod_perl docs/books and in Tim Bunce's DBI
performance slides on CPAN.

>  - if MySQL's cache is very efficient, should I bother caching in my own 
> code?

Don't cache query results if you can help it.  It adds a lot of
complexity to your application.  Only do it as a last resort.

>  - is there any merit in keeping the httpd process size lower by relying 
> on MySQL or another inter-process cache?

If you're going to cache results, you should use something like
Cache::FastMmap that will share them between processes or
Cache::Memcached that will share them between machines.  Otherwise, your
hit ratio will not be very good.

- Perrin

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