Hi folks,

Not sure whether this issue has been resolved earlier, but did my bit searching on the list and googled - couldn't find any standard solutions working for me. And apologies for the long mail.

I am upgrading our servers to mod_perl 2.0.2 and Apache 2.0.59 (compiled from source)

We get the following errors for a few of our perl cgi scripts

Usage: Apache2::Cookie->fetch($r): missing argument $r: attempt to fetch global Apache2::RequestUtil->request failed: Can't locate object method "request" via package "Apache2::RequestUtil" at /opt/apache-2.0.59/3plib/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/Apache2/Coo
kie.pm line 32.

I have tried adding
use Apache2;
use Apache2::compat;
in the startup.pl file but Apache can't find Apache2.pm and hence wouldn't start. If I just add in the Apache2::compat, it still shows the same above errors.

Any pointers very much appreciated :)

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