On Sat, 27 Jan 2007, Tümer Garip wrote:

No need for any specific code.
A simple CGI script writing some silly sentences to the browser will do
the same.
However I noticed something else.
1-When i test with a concurrency level above 1 right after a fresh
server start it crashes almost 100%.
2-If I gradually increase the concurrency as 1,3,5,10 and keep testing
than it works and it will segmenfault intermittently.
3-I tested with 2.0.4-dev as well. It didnot compile until i upgraded
threads::shared to CPAN version. Things have improved and number of
crashes is reduced.

What C compiler are you using? Also, did you compile
Perl, mod_perl, and Apache with the same compiler?
If you compiled mod_perl yourself, did it pass
all its tests?

best regards,
Randy Kobes

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