I'm doing a first pass at building mod_perl 2.0.3 for apache 2.0.59 with
a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.
The server is configured not to use IPv6, apr was configured with
--disable-ip6, apache 's config log says ac_cv_define_APR_HAVE_IPV6 = no
and it was built with the --with-apr and --with-apr-util options
pointing to the apr built with no IPv6 support.
But, the logs for apache, as well as the mod_perl test logs show
addresses completely different from the configured ones. This is causing
a number of network address related tests in mod_perl2 to fail.
Is there a way to force http and/or mod_perl to use and report ipv4
Any pointers will be appreciated.

Rafael Caceres

Analizado por ThMailServer para Linux.

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