On Mon, 2007-04-16 at 11:49 +0100, michael watson (IAH-C) wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks for all your help.  If I print out the header line myself, before
> anything else is printed out, then for some reason none of the images
> are produced.  Images are produced dynamically using perl and GD.  If I
> leave everything alone, I get images that work properly but no HTTP
> header;  If I hack away and print the HTTP header myself, then the
> header looks fine but my images don't get produced (it's not that the
> URLs are wrong, the img-tmp/ directory remains empty).
> I don't pretend to understand this, nor do I expect you to, needless to
> say it's not as easy as just printing the headers myself.

OK - first, I think that the missing header was definitely the issue
that you originally talked about.

The second problem of the images not being produced is trickier.  Is the
request dieing before it produces the images? I can't help you here -
more debugging statements required.

You may want to read here for more about outputting headers from
registry scripts:


Other than that, without more code, I don't think we can help you.


> Finally, thanks for the tip RE 'PerlOptions +ParseHeader'; it made
> little difference, but at least now that part of the code is correct.
> Thanks again
> Mick

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