On May 4, 2007, at 8:02 PM, Victor Danilchenko wrote:

I am not sure if it's the same type of error, but the idea of recording the PID is a great one -- if it is the problem, then forcing the error-prone child to commit suicide might indeed be the answer. I will add it to the error reporting.

damnit, my email is messed up today...

I was supposed to send this to the list --


what about logging a wtf in that handler ?

        sub handler {
                my $r= shift;
if ( !ref($r) || (ref($r) ne 'Apache' && ref($r) ne 'Apache::Request' && ref($r) ne 'Apache::Filter'))
                        # log into sql
                        # pid | timestamp | ref($r) | caller(1)

this way you can better map a trend of what is screwing up , when
if you do it in sqlite, you'll have something relatively quick to implement and easy to search through.

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