
It's been about four years since I've used mod_perl to any great extent, and I'm afraid I'm somewhat rusty. I'm trying to create a handler that can parse CGI parameters, but I'm unsure of the most modern way of doing that.

I know Apache2::Request is supposed to be able to grab CGI parameters; is that "better" than using CGI.pm? How about these APR modules that seem to wind their way into the framework?

When I tried creating an Apache2::Request->new($r) object to use to get CGI parameters, I found that everything I tried to print after the object's instantiation wouldn't show up anywhere. All the pages served were zero bytes, and I couldn't even print to STDERR.

Here's a simple handler I wrote. It works, but I'm afraid I might be doing something incorrectly by mixing Apache2 and CGI. I'm wondering how it would look if someone who was more up-to-date on mod_perl wrote it? :)

use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK);
use CGI;

sub handler
  my ($r) = @_;

  my $cgi = CGI->new($r);


  if (defined $cgi->param('foo'))
    print 'foo: ' . $cgi->param('foo') . "<br />\n";

  return Apache2::Const::OK;

Thanks. :)


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