Jani M. wrote:
I've still been trying to identify the root cause of the crashes, but unfortunately haven't had success yet.

Looks like success at last. I managed to tune my test environment server load from <30 requests/s to 500+ requests/s. This in turn started producing segfaults in the test environment too.

After a few moments of trial and error, I tracked the problem down to $r->push_handlers(PerlFixupHandler => \&fixup_handler). The segfaults start even if this is the only thing the original postreadrequesthandler does, and even if the fixuphandler does absolutely nothing. If I set the same fixuphandler in the server config file, and don't use push_handlers, the problem goes away.

As I've applied Torsten's push_handler-patch from last month, this is probably a different, although possibly related problem. The exact nature of the problem is beyond my skills, but hopefully this will help to track down the problem.

-- Jani

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