Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
i think the only way around it was to recompile everything from scratch.

generally speaking though... don't run mod_php and mod_perl on the same server. you're just going to bloat apache and tie up resources.

I'm running both on Fedora Core 5 and 6, but I had to tweak it slightly. I have a virtualhost which is fully under mod_perl's control but includes some php URLs:

In /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf:

uncomment "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php"

(this puts that mime type on .php files, which makes php process the file because the regular AddHandler method is ignored while SetHandler perl-script is in effect)

In httpd.conf:

<VirtualHost *:80>
   SetHandler perl-script
   <Location /php-stuff>
SetHandler default (I've tried with and without this, can work both ways)


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