I'm a little confused over the use of Apache::DBI or using DBI's connect_cached.

I always thought that Apache::DBI would allow me to use one connection through 
multiple processes, but that seems to be not true. After reading the docs more 
thoroughly , it seems as though one handle can not be shared by each process at 
server startup and the connections are persistent on a per process level.

At server startup, through the use of Apache::DBI, I start with an initial 8 
processes and the DB (v$session) shows 8 connections. Under stress testing, we 
run out of connections :(

Some debug during server startup ....
28668 Apache::DBI             PerlChildInitHandler
28668 Apache::DBI             need ping: yes
28668 Apache::DBI             new connect to 

The processes that were created during startup use the same hash as ...

......... running the application

[Tue 07 17 11:03:52 2007][PID 28668 PCE::DBI::Helper::connect 39 ][DEBUG] DBH 
[Tue 07 17 11:03:52 2007][PID 28666 PCE::DBI::Helper::connect 39 ][DEBUG] DBH 

When a new process is created ...
28727 Apache::DBI             new connect to 

and later used ...
28727 Apache::DBI             need ping: yes
28727 Apache::DBI             already connected to 

[Tue 07 17 11:10:05 2007][PID 28727 PCE::DBI::Helper::connect 39 ][DEBUG] DBH 

It uses the same hash. But, this isn't always the case. Under stress testing, 
new hashes have been created.

So, my question is, how do I not bring my system to a grinding halt with 
runaway connections? There will be more than one DB instance running on this 
machine, too. 

I've seen some stuff on perlmonks but mostly people talk about using a 
singleton (which I believe Apache::DBI is already doing).

We're using Oracle DB and  Apache/2.2.4 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.4 OpenSSL/0.9.8e 
mod_perl/2.0.3 Perl/v5.8.8

Any advice would be great.



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